“No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born again”
John 3:5-21 NIV
He left off his professional career.
He tied the existing spiritual problems to the earthly ones. First, he drove wanderingly by car without any destination.
From within these struggles with his self, the bicycle – a friend of childhood- came out of the memories. Maybe the concordance of this cycle with the cycle of life could solve some problems.
He got engaged in cycling abroad and developing mental projects within himself and these internal expeditions that were in a nomadic form changed the direction of previous illusory success.
The question of ‘who is self and non-self?’ challenged him severely.
This confrontation of – I against non-I – was unique and it was complete in the most possible condition of receiving and giving. The path of self-realization and emancipation from the illusion of mind became easier gradually in these passages.